Councillor Mary Mugford's Personal Blog

Welcome to my blog.†

My name is Mary Mugford, Conservative Member for Teignbridge District Council representing Dawlish Central and North East Ward, and Dawlish Town Councillor for Dawlish North East Ward, in South Devon.

The purpose of this blog is to try and keep you informed about my role and provide you with information and developments in the Teignbridge District Council Ward and our local Town Council Ward.

My Committee responsibilities with Teignbridge District Council include membership of Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Development Control Committee, Licensing Act 2003 Committee and Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committee No. 1

I will clarify my responsibilities in future posts....

Sunday 22 February 2009

Dawlish News

We hope we have seen the end of the snow for this Winter in Dawlish. The cold weather has killed some of the semi-tropical plants which we all grow. We have been complacent for the past ten years but have been caught out this winter.The snowdrops in our garden have lasted much longer. The primroses are all coming into bloom.
 The Darwin tulips will soon be in flower in our gardens.We commemorate 200years since the birth of Darwin this year. 
Work is progressing well on the new pavement on Brunswick Street. Motorist will find parking much easier along the street and pedestrians can walk along to view the waterfowl.
The new Piazza is coming along. The produce market will soon be held there each month.
Also various events throughout the year  .
The Beach at Dawlish Warren is still mostly pebbles much to the disappointment of the children. Some areas are still sandy, there were lots of people on the beach during half term enjoying this spell of mild sunny weather.
 We were hoping the sand would be put back on this beach before the Summer season, but I don't think it will happen. It is the usual plea of no money and who will foot the bill.
A pilot scheme is to be carried out by putting sand beyond the Red Rock Cafe and checking the flow. I am also told it has to be the right sort of. sand or it could set like concrete. 
This not going to help this seasons visitors  or the children who want to build their sandcastles 

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Britain gets an unexpected Winter Holiday

In the midst of the credit crunch the Country is having fun in the snow. This takes me back to my childhood in Derbyshire. We would drag out our sled and spend many happy hours sledging down the fields around. We had to be called in for  bed by our parents and fell asleep happy and exhausted. We had no television just play and natural exercise.
We are having fun watching the birds in our garden enjoying the food we put out. The blackbirds spend so much energy seeing off their rivals. We have to send the pigeons packing or there is nothing left for the smaller birds. Flocks of long tailed tits arrive each day to enjoy the seeds and suet balls. Robins and chaffinch's starlings and magpies are also appearing each day. It is a problem keeping the water defrosted
One person who doesn't enjoy the snow is our cat. She goes out when she has to and shakes her paws with each step.The chickens don't like the cold weather but are still keeping us in eggs
 Our efforts in the garden and freezing our excess vegetables and fruit are now paying dividends we are living on the fruits of our labours.
One benefit of being retired we can watch all the young folk struggling to get to school and work. We are told  travel only if you have too.
We are expecting more snow showers today.Our fuel allowance is helping   towards keeping warm and enjoying the view from the warmth of our lounge window. The snow news has brought a little light relief and a change from all the normal doom and gloom in the papers. 
Devon County Council have been working hard throughout the night keeping the roads open. A big thank you goes to our paper boys and girls, our paper arrived at the normal time of 6.30am
The family in Australia and New Zealand are having very high temperatures especially in Queensland Australia Over 40degs Celsius we are lucky to get 40degs F