Councillor Mary Mugford's Personal Blog

Welcome to my blog.†

My name is Mary Mugford, Conservative Member for Teignbridge District Council representing Dawlish Central and North East Ward, and Dawlish Town Councillor for Dawlish North East Ward, in South Devon.

The purpose of this blog is to try and keep you informed about my role and provide you with information and developments in the Teignbridge District Council Ward and our local Town Council Ward.

My Committee responsibilities with Teignbridge District Council include membership of Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Development Control Committee, Licensing Act 2003 Committee and Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committee No. 1

I will clarify my responsibilities in future posts....

Sunday 24 April 2011

My Year so far

Hello is there still anyone out there.We have just come through some months of ill health but I now feel able to Blog again.My husband has had a pacemaker fitted also an operation for a hernia, but is now progressing well and back working in his garden.
I have been diagnosed with the terminal illness Motor Nuerones Disese. It was a blow but I am now coming to terms with it and living for each day. As a practicing christain that has made it easier for me. I would find it very hard to cope if I wasn't a believer.
I have had so much support from the M.N.D team, fellow Councillors , I T, support, and friends ,also Christian friends from the church.
I am unable to speak but have an iPad which speaks for me ,made possible by the officers at Teignbridge District Council.

After one of the coldest winters for years we are enjoying this wonderful weather. My son came over from New Zealand for Christmas and with other members of the family went sledging on Boxing Day. They were all so excited as it is years since the sledges were out and certainly not in New Zealand.

The trees have put on a magnificent show of blossom this year. Tomorrow we hope to visit the bluebell woods

Thursday 19 August 2010

Piper Bill Millin Dies

We heard today Piper Bill Millin has passed away at the age of 87, he lived in Dawlish for the past seven years.
Bill marched up and down the beach playing his bagpipes to boost the moral of troops landing at Normandy's Sword Beach on June 6th 1944'
Wearing his Dad's kilt the Scottish piper serenaded the first lot of troops coming ashore under heavy fire with the tune Highland Laddie
It is believed German troops did not shoot him as they thought he was mad.
He was the piper for the 1st Special Service Brigade.

Bill also featured in the film The Longest Day.

We also read today of a 90 year old war hero beaten to death for £40 and his bus pass. What has happened to the respect for the elderly and gratitude for the generation who fought for our freedom

Saturday 5 June 2010

Living in Devon

What glorious weather we have been having. We have been enjoying the garden and meals outdoors with friends and family.
Our thoughts turn to the people of West Cumbria whose lives have been shattered by the dreadful events of the past few days. Areas very similar to here in Devon. Ordinary families whose lives will never be the same again 

Thursday 13 May 2010

Prayers at Council Meetings

This question has raised it head again. I can't see how it infrings Human Rights.
Why can't anyone who does not want prayers at Council meetings just stand outside while prayers are being said. They are usually very short.
Why try and stop it for everyone.

I am a practising Christian and need Spiritual guidance. During the past three months it has been a great comfort. Also my Christian friends who have said prayers and also shown love and practical help.
I never force my beliefs on to any one else

Monday 3 May 2010


We spent a glorious day on Dartmoor last week
The weather was sunny with clear blue skies. We did notice how brown and dry everywhere looked I have never seen it quite like that before. There were lots of ponies with young foals.
We had a very enjoyable lunch at Badgers Holt watching the peacocks displaying their magnificent plumage.
A cream tea was enjoyed at Dunsford, not a good day for the figure but very pleasant.
The rain we have had would be welcome on the moor if not with our Bank Holiday visitors.The farmers and gardeners needed the rain to turn Devon green again.
The buzz word everywhere seems to be Staycation,meaning lots more people are staying in the County or at least in the Country for their holidays. We are hoping  for a good Summer this year. Lots of outdoor activities are being planned here at Dawlish Warren.
I can hear the Buzzards calling as I write this They glide on the thermals, if the seagulls, crows or magpies see them they mob them.
During the very cold Winter  weather I have fed the birds. We still have a pair of ducks which have taken up residence in our garden and stirred up the pond much to the annoyance of my husband 
We also have a pair of pheasants which would insist on cleaning themselves in the dry garden soil where my husband had planted his seeds. 
We now have parsnips and beetroot coming up in circles and not in rows. 

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Backing the N.H.S

I am back amid all the talk about a General Election I am so gratefull to the wonderful care of the Drs and nurses who work so hard. I hope the new Government whoever it is will make the N.H.S one of their top priorities

In early Febuary I had major surgery and the care I have received has been first class. The aftercare of physio, drugs etc have all been available free of charge

Five years ago I had surgery in Perth Australia everything there had to be paid for. The care was wonderful but all had to be paid for by the patient.